ESP Photography

Writer : Pius Nugraha 
Editor : Fauzan Daffa Ghifary 

List of activities in ESP for Photography Business 
1. Short Article about Photography 
2. 5W1H Questions 
3. Verbal and Nominal Sentences 
4. Tenses and It’s Pattern 
5. Active and Passive Construction 
6. List of Vocabulary 
7. Translation into Indonesia 
8. Reasons Why Writer Uses Tenses 
    The art of black and white photography is surprisingly difficult to master. You can’t just slap a “noir” filter on your images and call it a day!
    In this article, I will introduce black and white photography, also known as monochromatic photography, and explain how to take better black and white photos – including how to convert B&W images properly in software like Lightroom and Photoshop.
    1. What Is Black and White Photography? Black and white photography is the art of using different tones of gray, ranging from white to dark, to create compelling images. This genre has a very long history – as long as photography itself. By the time photographers captured the first permanent color image in 1861, monochrome photos had been around for 35 years.
    Still, although color is the new kid on the block, it hasn’t replaced the art of black and white. Color can be a distraction; it can be dull and lifeless. One of the tasks of photographers is to simplify an image, distilling a scene down to its essence. Sometimes, that essence is colorless.
    Ansel Adams, discussing the differences between the two types of photography, said, “I can get a far greater sense of ‘color’ through a well-planned and executed black and white image than I have ever achieved with color photography.”
    Wow. Ever thought of it that way before?
    Of course, in today’s world, the vast majority of photographs are taken in color. Perhaps this means we have lost some of the beauty and imagination that Ansel Adams wanted photography to convey. Hopefully, the techniques in this article will help you gain it back.

    2. The Proper Way to Do Black and White Photography A good black and white photo is also just a good photo, period. You won’t be able to rescue a disastrous image by slapping a “Noir” filter on it, although that’s a popular thing to try.
    There are seven essential elements of top-notch black and white photographs, which you’ll see shortly. First, though, is the most important thing to remember: You need to have a reason for shooting in black and white.
    Not every subject works well in black and white. So, always ask yourself: Why are you eliminating color from a particular photo? What makes it so important to shoot your subject that way?
    Black and white photos can look great, but they don’t always. You need to know ahead of time why you are taking a picture in black and white rather than color. If you can’t pinpoint a good reason, maybe your photo is not meant to be monochromatic.

    3. Black and White vs Monochrome Perhaps you have noticed that there are two common terms which refer to the “same” thing: black and white (B&W) and monochrome. However, even though you may see these words used interchangeably, they are not identical!
    The word monochrome means “of a single color.” So, monochrome photos can have a color tint, assuming it is just one color. Take a look at the photo below. It has a brown hue to enhance the character, but all the other colors have been removed. Although this counts as monochrome, it is not black and white. True black and white photos have no color at all. They are entirely black, gray, and white.

No WH Sentence Building (Question and Answer) 
1. Who discusses the difference between the two types of photography? Answer The person discussing the differences is Ansel Adams
2. Who Who are the famous black and white photographers? Answer Famous black and white photographer is Ansel Adams, Robert Frank, Sally Mann, and others
3. What is Black and White Photography? Answer Black and white photography is the art of using different tones of gray, ranging from white to dark, to create compelling images 
4. What is the conclusion of the article? Answer Black and White Photography is deceptively difficult. Although you don’t have as many variables to juggle when you remove color, you’re creating a new challenge instead
5. Where the place is often used as a black and white photo spot? Answer The place that is often used for black and white photo spot is Street
6. Where can you convert photos into black and white? Answer You can convert a photo into black and white with Lightroom, Photoshop, or thitd-party conversion software 
7. Why would anyone go to such effort for a camera that only shoots B&W? Answer Monochrome-only cameras do offer sharper and cleaner black and white images than what you can get from a color camera, so it’s not as though there are zero benefits 
8. Why photographers like adding contrast to monochromatic photos? Answer Contrast matters in black and white photography because of the message it sends. A photo with high contrast, conveys a sense of dynamic intensity – often, again, because of the dark shadows. This is why photographers like adding contrast to monochromatic photos. It helps the images stand out 
9. When should you take black and white photos? Answer When you know the reason why you take photo in black and white 
10. When is shapes become even more important as a part of the story you tell? Answer When you remove color from your toolbox 
11. How to make an image black and white in lightroom and photoshop? Answer Lightroom : the easiest is just to toggle “Black & White” treatment at the very top of the Basic panel, or just press “v” on your keyboard. Photoshop : using the “Camera RAW Filter” in Photoshop CC, which opens up the same editing options found in Lightroom and applies them as a filter. 
12. How to take black and white photos? Answer There are seven essential elements of top-notch black and white photographs; shadow, contrast, tones, shapes, texture, composition, emotion

B. Verbal and Nominal Sentences

No Sentences V N 
01 I will introduce black and white photography V
02 How to take better black and white photos V
03 How to convert B&W images properly in software V
04 Black and white photography is the art of using different tones of gray N 
05 Although color is the new kid on the block, it hasn’t replaced the art of black and white N 
06 A good black and white photo is also just a good photo N 
07 You should just keep using the camera you already have V
08 You need to have a reason for shooting in black and white N 
09 Maybe your photo is not meant to be monocrhomatic N 
10 Take a look at the photo below V

C. Active and Passive Construction 
No Sentences Active Passive 
01 Ansel Adams discussing the differences between the two types of photography A
02 The vast majority of photographs are taken in color P 
03 You need to have a reason for shooting in black and white A
04 When you take pictures in black and white A
05 Monochrome photo can have a color tint A
06 RAW photos taken with a color camera always retain color information P 
07 It is important to use filters on the front of your lens to alter the contrast and tones in your image A
08 These photos are taken with blue, green, and red filters P 
09 Despite the major differences shown above P 
10 Purists still use color filters for their black and white photos A

D. List of Vocabulary 
No Vocabulary Pronoun Spelling Meaning 
01 Photography fəˈtäɡrəfē Fotografi 
02 Properly ˈpräpərlē Dengan baik 
03 Software ˈsôf(t)wer Perangkat lunak 
04 Compelling kəmˈpeliNG Menarik 
05 Simplify ˈsimpləˌfī Menyederhanakan 
06 Dull dəl Membosankan 
07 Achieved əˈCHēved Tercapai 
08 Vast vast Luas 
09 Convey kənˈvā Sampaikan 
10 Period ˈpirēəd Titik 

E. Tenses and It’s Pattern 
1. The art of black and white photography is surprisingly difficult to master. (Present Tense) 
2. In this article, I will introduce black and white photography, also known as monochromatic photography, and explain how to take better black and white photos. (Future Perfect Continous Tense)
3. This genre has a very long history – as long as photography itself. (Present Tense) 
4. Still, although color is the new kid on the block, it hasn’t replaced the art of black and white. (Present Perfect Tense) 
5. Of course, in today’s world, the vast majority of photographs are taken in color. (Present Perfect Tense) 
6. There are seven essential elements of top-notch black and white photographs, which you’ll see shortly. (Future Perfect Continous Tense) 
7. First, though, is the most important thing to remember: You need to have a reason for shooting in black and white. (Present Perfect Continous Tense) 
8. Black and white photos can look great, but they don’t always. You need to know ahead of time why you are taking a picture in black and white rather than color. (Present Perfect Continous Tense) 
9. Perhaps you have noticed that there are two common terms which refer to the “same” thing: black and white (B&W) and monochrome. (Present Perfect Tense) 
10. Take a look at the photo below. (Present Tense) 

F. Translation into Indonesia
    Seni fotografi hitam dan putih sangat sulit untuk dikuasai. Anda tidak bisa hanya memakai filter "noir" pada gambar Anda dan menyelesaikannya! 
    Dalam artikel ini, saya akan memperkenalkan fotografi hitam dan putih, juga dikenal sebagai fotografi monokromatik, dan menjelaskan cara mengambil foto hitam putih yang lebih baik - termasuk cara mengubah gambar B&W dengan benar dalam perangkat lunak seperti Lightroom dan Photoshop.

    1. Apa itu Fotografi Hitam Putih? 
    Fotografi hitam dan putih adalah seni menggunakan nada abu-abu yang berbeda, mulai dari putih hingga gelap, untuk membuat gambar yang menarik. Genre ini memiliki sejarah yang sangat panjang - selama fotografi itu sendiri. Pada saat fotografer menangkap gambar warna permanen pertama pada tahun 1861, foto monokrom telah ada selama 35 tahun.
    Namun, meskipun warna adalah anak baru di blok, itu belum menggantikan seni hitam dan putih. Warna bisa menjadi pengalih perhatian; Itu bisa membosankan dan tak bernyawa. Salah satu tugas fotografer adalah menyederhanakan gambar, menyuling adegan ke esensinya. Terkadang, esensi itu tidak berwarna. 
    Ansel Adams, membahas perbedaan antara dua jenis fotografi, mengatakan, "Saya bisa mendapatkan rasa 'warna' yang jauh lebih besar melalui gambar hitam dan putih yang terencana dan dieksekusi dengan baik daripada yang pernah saya capai dengan fotografi warna." 
    Wow. Pernah memikirkannya seperti itu sebelumnya? 
    Tentu saja, di dunia saat ini, sebagian besar foto diambil dalam warna. Mungkin ini berarti kita telah kehilangan beberapa keindahan dan imajinasi yang Ansel Adams ingin fotografi untuk menyampaikan. Mudah-mudahan, teknik dalam artikel ini akan membantu Anda mendapatkannya kembali. 
    2. Cara Memotret Hitam Putih yang Benar 
    Foto hitam putih yang bagus juga hanya foto yang bagus, titik. Anda tidak akan dapat menyelamatkan gambar yang membawa malapetaka dengan memasang filter "Noir" di atasnya, meskipun itu adalah hal yang populer untuk dicoba. 
    Ada tujuh elemen penting dari foto hitam putih terbaik, yang akan segera Anda lihat. Namun, pertama, adalah hal yang paling penting untuk diingat: Anda harus memiliki alasan untuk memotret dalam hitam putih. 
    Tidak semua subjek bekerja dengan baik dalam hitam dan putih. Jadi, selalu tanyakan pada diri Anda: Mengapa Anda menghilangkan warna dari foto tertentu? Apa yang membuatnya begitu penting untuk memotret subjek Anda seperti itu? 
    Foto hitam putih bisa terlihat bagus, tetapi tidak selalu. Anda perlu tahu sebelumnya mengapa Anda mengambil gambar hitam putih daripada berwarna. Jika Anda tidak dapat menentukan alasan yang tepat, mungkin foto Anda tidak dimaksudkan untuk menjadi monokromatik. 

    3. Hitam Putih vs Monokrom 
    Mungkin Anda telah memperhatikan bahwa ada dua istilah umum yang merujuk pada hal yang “sama”: hitam putih (B&W) dan monokrom. Namun, meskipun Anda mungkin melihat kata-kata ini digunakan secara bergantian, mereka tidak identik! 
    Kata monokrom berarti "satu warna". Jadi, foto monokrom bisa memiliki rona warna, dengan asumsi itu hanya satu warna. Lihatlah foto di bawah ini. Ini memiliki rona cokelat untuk meningkatkan karakter, tetapi semua warna lain telah dihapus. Meskipun ini dianggap sebagai monokrom, itu tidak hitam dan putih. Foto hitam putih yang sebenarnya tidak memiliki warna sama sekali. Mereka sepenuhnya hitam, abu-abu, dan putih. 

    F. Please sum-up the article by explaing the reason why author use the tenses. 
    • The author use the tenses because he want to tell how to take black and white photos and how to convert color photo into black and white photo using software and third-party, he make the article for information. 
    • The author uses the pattern because the article he makes is based on and is in the form of a presentation that he will do / hold. Therefore, readers are asked to immediately practice what the author conveys
